Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy New Years!!!

I haven't posted in forever! So since it is a new year, I have decided to put somethings that have been super fun (and some not so fun) things that my family and I have done this year:

First day of school
 Painting plates with friends
 Katelyn getting her ears pierced
 14th birthday
 Katelyn's 8th birthday
 Megan's 12th birthday
 Dad coming to Girls Camp
 Cousin Fun(pie eating contest just went down. I won.)
 Oregon coast trip
 Went to Tillamook Cheese factory
 Went to all the UT temples with friends and mom (I can't really do those jumps)
 Haunted House decorating
 Getting a new found hate for sunsets (I had to take pictures of the sun setting once a week for 6 weeks)
 Jackson Hole with friends

 Getting on Pointe last January
 Park man turning 4 with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse B-day party
 Katelyn getting baptized
 Halloween (even though dad was sick)
Getting to see all of Parker's crazy antics
Celebrating Dad's birthday with friends
Parker learning how to ride a two wheeler
Well, this past year has been super fun! Can't wait to see what happens this year!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 So on our day off on Halloween, we went to Gardner Village, and my friend Haley came! So much fun. Except, A. Bird. Pooped. On. My. TOMS. crap. Literally, It was so nasty. I was like, get me out of this place ASAP! So We went to my aunt Linda's house at night, as a family. Except my dad was sick. sad. But Katelyn was a seniorita, Park was the black spiderman, Meg was Medusa, and I was Juliet.
 We were the royals at the party. Emily[my uber awesome cousin :D] was Marie Antoinette.

 Like the sad face of mine. Yup. Em told me to have a relaxed face and this is what i came up with. At least I didn't look constipated.
 Unlike Emily here. But I do look like a fish here... or like lip surgery gone wrong. Oh well, we had so much fun taking this pictures!!!

Oh my. I cannot believe that Halloween has already come and gone. That is crazy.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fun with my mom's camera, and Jackson Hole with friends!

 Okay so you I had some fun with my mom's camera as you can see. I looked really awesome(in my opinion) that night. It was evening of excellence. So I decided, 'What the hey! Why don't I take some pictures?!' so i did.

Then, we went to Jackson Hole with our friends. And, OH MY!!! SO MUCH FUN!!!! So we all wanted matching something but I personally did not want to spend all of my money on that, so I proposed the idea that we should get some t-shirts and sharpies and make our own shirts. So we did. We searched the Dollar Tree bin in JH and finally found t-shirts for all of us. Hope you like the pics! OH and I hope that you like my buddah position. ;b

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

my awesome glasses!

Okay, so these are not real glasses but they are still pretty cool! I mean, come on! Who would not be jealous of these babies?!? My real question is why do people actually wear these in public? I mean, I am all for hanging out in the house with these on, or dressing up as a nerd with them, but seriously? Real life wearing them? and the weirdest part is that my school allows it. What is up with that? Oh well! My life is officially hectic. This is my schedule for today:
Wake up, do hair(consists of taking a shower and maybe blowdrying it.), do makeup, change into school clothes, eat breakfast, go to school in a hurry that is not necessary but apparently is needed, go to seminary, science, honors english, computer tech, geography, lunch, math, yearbook, get home, study for math test, get ready for dance, go to dance for an hour and a half, get home study some more, remember about another test, study for that one, after that remember a science test/quiz that's tomorrow, study for that one too, read scriptures, go on blog, take a shower because I feel disgusting, read a little, worry the whole night about tests, and go to sleep.
           Do again next day with minor adjustments. ugh. busy life. I don't know how the topic went from glasses to my schedule but oh  well. later!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Summer is gonna be so awesome!!!

For the Last day of school, my friends Shelby, Anna, and Mckenna, and I first signed yearbooks at school and then we went to Arbys and had some yummy food, then we went to this frozen yogurt place called Orange Leaf. Then McKenna had to go home because she was going to Disneyland. So Shelby, Anna and I went to Smiths and got a redbox, which was Harry Potter 7!!! We went to Anna's house and watched it and then her younger brother and his friends came and watched it with us. Then of course Shelby had to go to her cousins graduation so she left. So just me and Anna hung out. OH MY GOSH!!! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS SO MUCH FUN!!!But it is also very VERY VERY sad. The reason why is that HALF of my friends are going to a different school next year!!! So ANNA will be gone!!!! BOO HOO! but it is NOW SUMMER so its all good. and now the weather is cooperating so it is SUNNY here!!! YAY!!! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011


IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I AM 14!!! I am so happy! Today i went to Katelyn's soccer game, Megan's piano recital, and sadly school. :C but thats okay!!! my BFF McKenna decorated the inside of my locker so that when i got to my locker i saw nothing on the outside!!! SHE IS SO SWEET!!! i am so happy that i have been in this world for 14 WONDERFUL years!!! I got so many cute clothes too! I am so happy that I, ASHLEY, was the one to make my mom and dad a mother and father. so even though it is my day today, really it is my mom and dad's day today too. they are the reason that i am here and they are the reason that i decide to live my life to the VERY fullest! I love them both and i am so glad that they care for me enough to celebrate my birthday!!!