Monday, June 28, 2010

Parker Boo Boo

                       This little guy is the love of my life... so far. Isn't he the cutest thing ever!?!?
                       Yes, he is three, kind of touchy and, loud. But I love him. He has the prettiest
                        Blue eyes that I have ever seen. and the sweetest smile that can light up a
                    He loves dinosaur train (the television show) and sometimes he loves 
                    To give hugs. I love this little man like no other. He really is a little angel.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Photoshoot with Maddie!!!

Okay, so this is some of the pictures that I took of the Beautiful, Madison Whitlock!!! I was happy that she was willing to let me take pictures of her because, well, my sisters rarely EVER let me photograph them. Thanks Maddie!!!

Happy Father's Day!!!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADDY!!! I love my dad so Much!!! He and I are a lot alike, I think, and we get along really well. He is such a hard worker, and he loves our whole family and always puts them before himself. There is rarely a afternoon that I don't see him working in our yard or working on something in the house! I Love you Dad!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Okay, so I have some obsessions. They are as  listed:
       I love the Percy Jackson series! Thank you madison whitlock for telling me about them

 I really like smoochie!!! It is such a good smoothie place you have no idea! I got the rasberry lemonade smoothie and I am eating it as I type! I could eat it all day long!!!

I LOVE FOREVER 21!!! They have the cutest clothes and accessories for really cheap! I mean $5.80!!! The CUTEST SHIRT EVER for $8.40! Seriously!

The Hunger Games!!! I love these books!!! They are the BOMB!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Schools out for Summer!!!! OFFICIALLY!!!

School is officially O-U-T!!! Goodbye Seventh, hello eighth grade.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cali4nia Time

I cannot wait to go to California! Only 4 days until we drive there. I cannot wait to see these guys:
I think that Alysa is taking the picture and I have no idea where Carson is.
I cannot wait to see the Whitlocks!!!