Sunday, April 10, 2011


Smile- to have an expression on the face in which the corners of the mouth turn up and the eyes get brighter.
That is the definition of the word smile that you will find in most dictionaries. But, in my dictionary, this is my definition:
Smile- to be genuinely happy and kind. Most found when serving others and with friends with good attitudes.

I believe that my Mom and Dad are people that smile a whole lot. They are always serving others and wanting to help more and more and they are always in good spirits and happy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

hAPpY ApRiL FOoLs DaY!!!

                                                     No, i was not trying to do what my dad did, i was sneezing
                                                beautiful closed eyes.
                                                      ah, yes, the famous shoe picture.
i hope you like the funny pics!