Thursday, May 26, 2011


IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I AM 14!!! I am so happy! Today i went to Katelyn's soccer game, Megan's piano recital, and sadly school. :C but thats okay!!! my BFF McKenna decorated the inside of my locker so that when i got to my locker i saw nothing on the outside!!! SHE IS SO SWEET!!! i am so happy that i have been in this world for 14 WONDERFUL years!!! I got so many cute clothes too! I am so happy that I, ASHLEY, was the one to make my mom and dad a mother and father. so even though it is my day today, really it is my mom and dad's day today too. they are the reason that i am here and they are the reason that i decide to live my life to the VERY fullest! I love them both and i am so glad that they care for me enough to celebrate my birthday!!!