Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Summer is gonna be so awesome!!!

For the Last day of school, my friends Shelby, Anna, and Mckenna, and I first signed yearbooks at school and then we went to Arbys and had some yummy food, then we went to this frozen yogurt place called Orange Leaf. Then McKenna had to go home because she was going to Disneyland. So Shelby, Anna and I went to Smiths and got a redbox, which was Harry Potter 7!!! We went to Anna's house and watched it and then her younger brother and his friends came and watched it with us. Then of course Shelby had to go to her cousins graduation so she left. So just me and Anna hung out. OH MY GOSH!!! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS SO MUCH FUN!!!But it is also very VERY VERY sad. The reason why is that HALF of my friends are going to a different school next year!!! So ANNA will be gone!!!! BOO HOO! but it is NOW SUMMER so its all good. and now the weather is cooperating so it is SUNNY here!!! YAY!!!