Friday, October 28, 2011

Fun with my mom's camera, and Jackson Hole with friends!

 Okay so you I had some fun with my mom's camera as you can see. I looked really awesome(in my opinion) that night. It was evening of excellence. So I decided, 'What the hey! Why don't I take some pictures?!' so i did.

Then, we went to Jackson Hole with our friends. And, OH MY!!! SO MUCH FUN!!!! So we all wanted matching something but I personally did not want to spend all of my money on that, so I proposed the idea that we should get some t-shirts and sharpies and make our own shirts. So we did. We searched the Dollar Tree bin in JH and finally found t-shirts for all of us. Hope you like the pics! OH and I hope that you like my buddah position. ;b

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

my awesome glasses!

Okay, so these are not real glasses but they are still pretty cool! I mean, come on! Who would not be jealous of these babies?!? My real question is why do people actually wear these in public? I mean, I am all for hanging out in the house with these on, or dressing up as a nerd with them, but seriously? Real life wearing them? and the weirdest part is that my school allows it. What is up with that? Oh well! My life is officially hectic. This is my schedule for today:
Wake up, do hair(consists of taking a shower and maybe blowdrying it.), do makeup, change into school clothes, eat breakfast, go to school in a hurry that is not necessary but apparently is needed, go to seminary, science, honors english, computer tech, geography, lunch, math, yearbook, get home, study for math test, get ready for dance, go to dance for an hour and a half, get home study some more, remember about another test, study for that one, after that remember a science test/quiz that's tomorrow, study for that one too, read scriptures, go on blog, take a shower because I feel disgusting, read a little, worry the whole night about tests, and go to sleep.
           Do again next day with minor adjustments. ugh. busy life. I don't know how the topic went from glasses to my schedule but oh  well. later!