Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 So on our day off on Halloween, we went to Gardner Village, and my friend Haley came! So much fun. Except, A. Bird. Pooped. On. My. TOMS. crap. Literally, It was so nasty. I was like, get me out of this place ASAP! So We went to my aunt Linda's house at night, as a family. Except my dad was sick. sad. But Katelyn was a seniorita, Park was the black spiderman, Meg was Medusa, and I was Juliet.
 We were the royals at the party. Emily[my uber awesome cousin :D] was Marie Antoinette.

 Like the sad face of mine. Yup. Em told me to have a relaxed face and this is what i came up with. At least I didn't look constipated.
 Unlike Emily here. But I do look like a fish here... or like lip surgery gone wrong. Oh well, we had so much fun taking this pictures!!!

Oh my. I cannot believe that Halloween has already come and gone. That is crazy.