Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy New Years!!!

I haven't posted in forever! So since it is a new year, I have decided to put somethings that have been super fun (and some not so fun) things that my family and I have done this year:

First day of school
 Painting plates with friends
 Katelyn getting her ears pierced
 14th birthday
 Katelyn's 8th birthday
 Megan's 12th birthday
 Dad coming to Girls Camp
 Cousin Fun(pie eating contest just went down. I won.)
 Oregon coast trip
 Went to Tillamook Cheese factory
 Went to all the UT temples with friends and mom (I can't really do those jumps)
 Haunted House decorating
 Getting a new found hate for sunsets (I had to take pictures of the sun setting once a week for 6 weeks)
 Jackson Hole with friends

 Getting on Pointe last January
 Park man turning 4 with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse B-day party
 Katelyn getting baptized
 Halloween (even though dad was sick)
Getting to see all of Parker's crazy antics
Celebrating Dad's birthday with friends
Parker learning how to ride a two wheeler
Well, this past year has been super fun! Can't wait to see what happens this year!