Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Its true. Sad, yes. But true. I am a TOTAL bear in the morning. ask my mother. she knows. if any of you have seen Freaky Friday(the one with Lindsy Lohan) i am like the teenager in the morning pulling on the headboard while my mom is pulling my legs. Yes I try to sleep through my alarm clock. i will sleep through a HOT shower. then, when i wake up... GRRRRRRRRRRR! I am definitely NOT a morning person.  Lets just say this, last year when i did not have a carpool I was not my first period teacher's favorite person. Yes i was tardy. A lot. I am glad that i have a carpool this year because that makes me have a reason to get up. Thats all for today. just a little bit about me, that you might not have known.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hello all.

AS you can tell from my face in this picture, i am very happy about being eaten by a bear. HA HA HA! I really love katelyn's face. i do not know if that is what she would be doing if i really was getting eaten by a bear. I think that she might have been laughing with just a TINT of terror. But, i just felt the need to post this because i love this picture with katelyn, kayleigh, me, and megan. See you all later!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

my movie star like experience...

okay... so this is just a little tidbit of the movie that my friends, Kate Ally, Kayleigh Murri, Sydney Bennett, Olivia White, and me made. We kind of copied the movie "Grease" but we called our movie oil. you will notice that me and olivia look like guys. that is because we are the two  main guys in the movie. actually we are the only guys in the movie. i am the one in the red cap and she is the one in the black.

This Friday we are making another movie called hercules. the disney version with a Ashley esplin touch. I will post the movie later but I have to get my friend's permission. This one i am not allowed to. I will also take pictures this time. I am a muse, along with Olivia, Kayleigh, Kate?, and then kate is hades, syd is hercules, kayleigh is i think phil, megan is meg, and i might be zeus. Gotta go!