Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Its true. Sad, yes. But true. I am a TOTAL bear in the morning. ask my mother. she knows. if any of you have seen Freaky Friday(the one with Lindsy Lohan) i am like the teenager in the morning pulling on the headboard while my mom is pulling my legs. Yes I try to sleep through my alarm clock. i will sleep through a HOT shower. then, when i wake up... GRRRRRRRRRRR! I am definitely NOT a morning person.  Lets just say this, last year when i did not have a carpool I was not my first period teacher's favorite person. Yes i was tardy. A lot. I am glad that i have a carpool this year because that makes me have a reason to get up. Thats all for today. just a little bit about me, that you might not have known.

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