Friday, March 11, 2011


well it is official. Even though I have dreamed about it my whole life I have made the decision to not try out for cheer. I am sad but i think that it will be the best thing for me. Instead i have decided to try to be a student body officer. wish me luck. Believe me i will need it. This past year has been so hard not doing anything. i was so desperate i almost tried out for the girls basketball team. That would have been a disaster.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how this went. why did you not try out for cheer? Girls basketball? Now that's something I would totally do. Sounds like you are trying to find something which I think it is good that you are trying something. From there it will lead to other things and you'll narrow it down more and more what you would like to do. Keep trying and you'll find what the special Ashley place is. Love you!
